
Abbreviations in Globasa are typically pronounced according to its meaning: fmk, for example, is pronounced /fe 'moj ' rather than according to the letters of the abbreviation, /'fe 'me 'ke/. However, the most commonly used abbreviations, such as ff and jmt may be pronounced according to the letters of the abbreviation for short: /'fe 'fe/ and /'Κ€e 'me 'te/ respectively.

abbreviation meaning translation
dhh dayhaha laughing out loud
ff fe folo so, therefore
fg fe gwaho by the way
fl fe lutuf please
fm fe misal for example
fmk fe moy kaso in any case, at any rate, anyway
fp fe peti please
ftf fe tayti fe instead of
hh ha ha ha ha
hhh ha ha ha ha ha ha, laughing out loud
jmt ji max (e)te, ji max (o)to etc.
mfk Mi fikir ki... I think that...